What will You get out of it?
Effective tribal consultation and ethnographic studies:
- Improve overall satisfaction and outcomes for all parties and helps avoid costly conflict or lawsuits.
- Build trust which promotes efficiency in complying with Federal and State laws and mandates, such NHPA and NEPA.
- Help agencies, companies, and tribes identify points where goals can be mutually promoted.
- Provide opportunities to promote your input in tribal decision making. Just like Agency policies, programs, and actions affect tribal resources and visitor experience, Tribal policies, programs, and actions affect resources and visitor experience on public lands.
- Document traditional knowledge that can better inform management decisions, especially those related to natural and cultural resources. Public land managers can additionally benefit from overall tribal perspectives, knowledge, and expertise.
- Promote a mutual exchange of resources, including data and sources.
- Documented tribal knowledge and perspectives can be incorporated into interpretation or public education programs in mutually beneficial ways.
- Can be a good public relations opportunity, or at least help avoid bad public relations!